- Fryeburg Academy, Maine, USA, 2008.9 - 2009.5
- Calvin Christian High School, California, USA, 2009.9 - 2010.5
- Queen of Peace High School(graduated), New Jersey, USA, 2010.9 - 2013.5
- B.S. in Mechanichal Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, New York, USA, 2013.9 - 2015.5 (Scholarship, not graduated)
- B.S. in Computer Science, University of Wisconsin - Madison(graduated), USA, 2015.9 - 2019.5
- M.S. in Industrial Engineering, Seoul National Unviersity(graduated), South Korea, 2019.7 - 2021.8
- Analyzed data to develop User Experience of systems, products and services with Korea Automotive Technology Institute, Samsung, Ministry of Culture & Tourism, and Coway
- Graduation thesis : Study on the development of evaluation of electric kickboards based on user types
- Ergonomics, Python, SPSS, SAS, Statistics, User Experience, Data Analysis
- Ph.D in Metaverse Technology, Sogang University, South Korea, 2022.8 - Present
- Research Assistant, POSTECH, 2015.7 - 2015.8
- Researched predicting the box-office success of a movie from a commercial perspective using EEG sensor
- Researcher, Tmax Data, 2021.8 - 2021.8
- Developed domestic software for data analysis
- Data Engineer, I-scream edu, 2021.11 - Present (Alternative military service)
- Developed procedures with PostgreSQL to managed dashboards
- Extracted and preprocessed data for other teams to analyse data
- Visualized data using BI(Business Intelligence) tools(Redash)
- Analyzed data to support business arguments and derive new insight to develop educational contents
- Skill set: SQL, Python(data analysis, ETL), Data warehouse, Data mart, BI
- Co-founder, Poomi, 2022.1 - 2022.08
- Service platform application start-up with 4 other partners
- Took charge of product management
International Journal
- Applied Science(2nd Author) - Identifying the Risk Factors in the Context-of-Use of Electric Kick Scooters Based on a Latent Dirichlet Allocation
- Safety Science(2nd Author) - Contextual risk factors in the use of electric kick scooters: An episode sampling inquiry
International Conference
- 2019 IEEE IEEM(Conference poster) - Developing User Evaluation Technology Based on New Product Concepts
Domestic Conference
- 2019 KIIE (Conference oral presentation) - Ergonomic Design for South Korean Military Backpack using Anthropometric dimensions
- 2020 ESK (Conference oral presentation) - Evaluating User Experience Using Physiological Data from Conversational Interfaces for Interactive TV
- 2020 ESK Fall - Speech Length and Type Construction for an Assistive Speech Agent in User Guidance Context
- 2021 ESK Spring - Identifying UX Issues for Multimodal Interaction of Intelligent Systems Using User-Centered Design Techniques
- 2020 HCIK - Applying the Focused Day Reconstruction Method for Extracting Product-Environmental Risk Factors from Electric Kick Scooter Risky Episodes
- 2021 HCIK - User Experience Factor Investigation of a Voice User Interface (VUI) for the Elderly