- M.S. in Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National Unviersity, South Korea, 2019.7 - present
- B.S. in Dept. of Computer Science, University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA, 2015.9 - 2019.5
Interest Areas
- User experience
- Data analysis
- Usability
International Journal
- Applied Science(2nd Author) - Identifying the Risk Factors in the Context-of-Use of Electric Kick Scooters Based on a Latent Dirichlet Allocation
- Safety Science(2nd Author) - Contextual risk factors in the use of electric kick scooters: An episode sampling inquiry
International Conference
- 2019 IEEE IEEM(Conference poster) - Developing User Evaluation Technology Based on New Product Concepts
Domestic Conference
- 2019 KIIE (Conference oral presentation) - Ergonomic Design for South Korean Military Backpack using Anthropometric dimensions
- 2020 ESK (Conference oral presentation) - Evaluating User Experience Using Physiological Data from Conversational Interfaces for Interactive TV